602.449.7980         [email protected]        1747 E Morten Ave #205 Phoenix AZ 85020

Munchausen Syndrome in the Digital Age

Recently, there was an article in the national news titled: “What Could Lead to a Mother Catfishing Her Own Daughter?” Missing from this intriguing headline was the complex psychological framework surrounding the incident referenced, wherein a Michigan mother was charged for her role in a cyber version of Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP), known as […]

The DCS and Criminal Investigation Dilemma

As criminal defense attorneys, we understand the importance of ensuring out clients do not make incriminating statements. When in doubt, we are quick to advise our clients to invoke their 5th Amendment rights. But, when there is a concurrent Department of Child Safety (DCS) investigation, invoking may have negative consequences in the dependency matter. It […]

Knapp: How Private Attorneys Can Help Public Defenders

You just have to watch a few Law and Order: SVU episodes to know the that when someone is arrested, they are read Miranda warnings.  While the 100 words in Miranda are all valuable, “the right to an attorney” and that, “if you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you” is of particular […]

A Position of Trust II: Teachers Facing Prosecution for Failure to Report Child Abuse

When mandatory reporters fail to report suspected child abuse, they are complicit in letting the abuse continue. Educators, in particular, have such a unique and consistent level of interaction with children that makes them a reliable source of child abuse/neglect reports. Due to this, nearly all states, including Arizona, lists teachers as mandated reporters. But when […]

The Importance of Pre-Charge/Pre-Indictment Counsel

Prior to working in private practice, I was an Assistant Federal Public defender. In this role, I received cases long after charges had been filed. Meaning, the opportunity for many of my clients to avoid being charged had long since passed. Grand Jurys had convened, statements were recorded, and the case had inertia ever before […]