602.449.7980         office@woodnicklaw.com        1747 E Morten Ave #205 Phoenix AZ 85020

Understanding the APS Registry System: What is Exploitation?

Neglect or physical abuse are likely the first things that come to mind when an ordinary person hears about Adult Protective Services; however, Adult Protective Services (also known as “APS”) – which is the Arizona agency responsible for investigating exploitation of vulnerable adults – reviews thousands of claims of “exploitation of resources” every year. Other […]

AI Editing Technology in Family Communications

By Mallory Scott  In their latest end-of-year summary of legal profession developments, LexisNexis reports that 2023 brought significant growth to practice in three novel new areas: generative AI, ESG (environmental, social, and governance matters), and space law. While it is unlikely that an average person will be involved in a space law dispute, generative technology […]

Benefits of Remote Family Law Mediation Services for Arizona Families

By Leslie A.W. Satterlee The pandemic wreaked havoc on our lives in many ways.  For attorneys, we had to embrace technology and learn to lawyer online.  Attorneys had to learn to navigate digital exhibits, meet with clients and colleagues over Zoom, sign documents remotely, and conduct trials completely online. I learned to navigate these developments, […]

Is Corporal Punishment Permitted in Arizona?

By Isabel Ranney and Mallory Scott  It seems that corporal punishment has fallen out of favor among parents as the preferred way to discipline children. If the stereotypical American “Simpsons” family has moved on from spanking, choking, or otherwise making physical contact with misbehaving children, then shouldn’t millennial parents who also grew up watching the […]

Supreme Court to Revisit Gun Ownership and Domestic Violence Cases

By Mallory Scott Often, in the wake of gun violence, politicians and commentators say that stricter background checks should become enacted to restrict dangerous individuals from owning the weapons used to perpetrate these crimes. States across the country have enacted various laws intended on restricting firearms access. Recently, the Supreme Court accepted an appeal from […]

Faith, Homeschooling, and the Impact on Families

By Mallory Scott  The ability to freely worship is one of the fundamental aspects of the American national identity. However, a fine line exists between enthusiastic practice and severe overcommitment to a religion that may eventually become dangerous behavior. Adults can choose how, when, and which faction of faith to practice, but the children in […]

Three Parent Birth Certificates: Extending Rights Beyond the Two-Parent Family

By Markus Risinger and Mallory Scott  With a new generation of parents deciding to explore familial arrangements outside the traditional two-parent family, a multitude of issues relating to custody and caretakers have also emerged within the past decade. In California, a 2013 law allowed for more than two individuals to be recognized as parents of […]

Fast-Tracked Termination: What is Happening in Arizona

By Woodnick Law  Once a child is born, its parents are endowed with a “fundamental right to parent.” This means that like other fundamental rights (e.g. right to privacy, right to marry), there is a higher scrutiny placed on any attempts to interfere with that right and the presumption is that the right will remain […]

Allegations of Abuse Against Parents with Transgender Children in Arizona

Image thanks to Unsplash.

By Isabel Ranney  Imagine you are in the middle of a contentious divorce with your soon to be ex. You have one child in common—an eleven-year-old named Sam—who was born biologically male but has expressed a desire to wear dresses and be referred to using she/her pronouns. Sam’s preferences were a major factor in the […]