602.449.7980         office@woodnicklaw.com        1747 E Morten Ave #205 Phoenix AZ 85020

Looking to Lower Legal Fees? Organize Early and Often

Before deciding to hire an attorney, prospective clients often ask, “How much will this cost me?” Hiring legal representation is certainly a significant expense, but the cost of an attorney’s services can be mitigated if a client is willing to be proactive and involved in the process. One of the quickest ways for a client […]

Benefits of Remote Family Law Mediation Services for Arizona Families

By Leslie A.W. Satterlee The pandemic wreaked havoc on our lives in many ways.  For attorneys, we had to embrace technology and learn to lawyer online.  Attorneys had to learn to navigate digital exhibits, meet with clients and colleagues over Zoom, sign documents remotely, and conduct trials completely online. I learned to navigate these developments, […]

A Position of Trust: Teachers Accused of Sexual Misconduct with Students

By Sabra Barnett and Isabel Ranney  Due to their close proximity to students, teachers and school personnel are often the first line of defense when it comes to identifying signs of child abuse and they are often blamed for failing to detect abuse sooner. Teachers are expected to act as detectives – to notice and […]

Allegations of Abuse Against Parents with Transgender Children in Arizona

Image thanks to Unsplash.

By Isabel Ranney  Imagine you are in the middle of a contentious divorce with your soon to be ex. You have one child in common—an eleven-year-old named Sam—who was born biologically male but has expressed a desire to wear dresses and be referred to using she/her pronouns. Sam’s preferences were a major factor in the […]