Back to School: The Consequences of Neglect in Flagstaff, Arizona

As we head back into the school year, it is an unfortunate truth that there will be an influx of child abuse and neglect allegations. Although summertime for children brings the promise of lazy afternoons at home, it also means that children are stuck at home with parents who might be abusing them without the […]
To Appeal or Not to Appeal

Advising a client after a trial ruling can feel like trying to close a barn door after the horse has bolted. Clients frequently come to me disappointed with a court ruling and wanting to know how they can get their case revisited by a higher court. As an appeals attorney in Arizona, my job often […]
Mandatory Reporting Statutes – The Role of Teachers as Abusers & Abuse Reporters

The role of a teacher is to act “in loco parentis,” or in place of the parent, while children are under their care in the school setting. In some cases, a teacher must take on protective responsibilities beyond the scope of this role to report child abuse or harmful activity occurring outside of their classrooms. […]
The DCS and Criminal Investigation Dilemma

As criminal defense attorneys, we understand the importance of ensuring out clients do not make incriminating statements. When in doubt, we are quick to advise our clients to invoke their 5th Amendment rights. But, when there is a concurrent Department of Child Safety (DCS) investigation, invoking may have negative consequences in the dependency matter. It […]
Fast-Tracked Termination: What is Happening in Arizona

Once a child is born, its parents are endowed with a “fundamental right to parent.” This means that like other fundamental rights (e.g. right to privacy, right to marry), there is a higher scrutiny placed on any attempts to interfere with that right and the presumption is that the right will remain intact. However, according […]
Racial Disparity in Arizona DCS Investigations Receives National Attention

Conscious or unconscious, racial bias affects all aspects of life. The caseworkers and child welfare investigators (OCWIs) that make up the Department of Child Safety (DCS) are not immune from these biases. A recent article from ProPublica, which has received national attention, addresses how these biases have culminated in a disproportionate number of DCS investigations […]
A Position of Trust II: Teachers Facing Prosecution for Failure to Report Child Abuse

When mandatory reporters fail to report suspected child abuse, they are complicit in letting the abuse continue. Educators, in particular, have such a unique and consistent level of interaction with children that makes them a reliable source of child abuse/neglect reports. Due to this, nearly all states, including Arizona, lists teachers as mandated reporters. But when […]
A Position of Trust: Teachers Accused of Sexual Misconduct with Students

Due to their close proximity to students, teachers and school personnel are often the first line of defense when it comes to identifying signs of child abuse and they are often blamed for failing to detect abuse sooner. Teachers are expected to act as detectives – to notice and question every bruise, every unwashed shirt, […]
Is it Me or is Everyone Talking About Parental Alienation?

Things do not just “trend” in fashion or TikTok. They happen in courtrooms too. In the 1980s, the era of unlocking repressed memory had people suddenly remembering childhood traumas at a scientifically unsupportable rate, and with significant consequences. In the 1990s, guided imagery led to even more “recollections” of memories, and, in the past few decades, […]
An Abuse Allegation Against You Has Been “Substantiated”: Now What?

A DCS Investigation Crystal is the mother of three-month-old Michael and six-year-old Grace. A few months ago, she was the subject of a Department of Child Safety (DCS) investigation when Michael fractured his leg after a fall in the park. The attending physician at Phoenix Children’s Hospital believed the x-ray showed a previous, healing break […]