602.449.7980         office@woodnicklaw.com        1747 E Morten Ave #205 Phoenix AZ 85020

Can I Include a “No-Cheating” Clause in My Prenup?

By Isabel Ranney and Mallory Scott As the rate of divorces in the United States continues to grow, more couples are getting prenuptial agreements to protect their assets before their marriage even begins [1]. Although prenuptial agreements tend to be focused primarily on addressing financial concerns, some parties choose to include an “infidelity clause” and […]

Why you Should Consider a Post-Nup

Two weeks ago, six men were arrested by Scottsdale police after an undercover prostitution sting. According to court documents, the Scottsdale police placed “escort” ads on backpage.com and other websites, and the men responded looking for sex with underage girls. The men arrived at the place they believed to be meeting the girls and were arrested by police, who had set up an operation at the nearby Scottsdale airport.  The “escorts” were, in fact, undercover police officers or actresses pretending to be below the age of majority.