602.449.7980         office@woodnicklaw.com        1747 E Morten Ave #205 Phoenix AZ 85020

Can I Include a “No-Cheating” Clause in My Prenup?

By Isabel Ranney and Mallory Scott As the rate of divorces in the United States continues to grow, more couples are getting prenuptial agreements to protect their assets before their marriage even begins [1]. Although prenuptial agreements tend to be focused primarily on addressing financial concerns, some parties choose to include an “infidelity clause” and […]

Looking to Lower Legal Fees? Organize Early and Often

Before deciding to hire an attorney, prospective clients often ask, “How much will this cost me?” Hiring legal representation is certainly a significant expense, but the cost of an attorney’s services can be mitigated if a client is willing to be proactive and involved in the process. One of the quickest ways for a client […]

Understanding the APS Registry System: What is Exploitation?

Neglect or physical abuse are likely the first things that come to mind when an ordinary person hears about Adult Protective Services; however, Adult Protective Services (also known as “APS”) – which is the Arizona agency responsible for investigating exploitation of vulnerable adults – reviews thousands of claims of “exploitation of resources” every year. Other […]

Understanding the Adult Protective Services Registry System

In Arizona, a vulnerable adult is statutorily defined through A.R.S. § 46-451(A)(10), which states that: “…an individual who is eighteen years of age or older and who is unable to protect himself from abuse, neglect or exploitation by others because of a physical or mental impairment” [1]. As should be evident from the legal definition, […]

AI Editing Technology in Family Communications

By Mallory Scott  In their latest end-of-year summary of legal profession developments, LexisNexis reports that 2023 brought significant growth to practice in three novel new areas: generative AI, ESG (environmental, social, and governance matters), and space law. While it is unlikely that an average person will be involved in a space law dispute, generative technology […]

Benefits of Remote Family Law Mediation Services for Arizona Families

By Leslie A.W. Satterlee The pandemic wreaked havoc on our lives in many ways.  For attorneys, we had to embrace technology and learn to lawyer online.  Attorneys had to learn to navigate digital exhibits, meet with clients and colleagues over Zoom, sign documents remotely, and conduct trials completely online. I learned to navigate these developments, […]

Defending Child Abuse Allegations in Arizona State and Federal Court

Published in the Maricopa Lawyer Family Law Section December 2023 edition.  By Sabra Barnett  As a former Assistant Federal Public Defender, I have experience representing clients accused of crimes ranging from gun charges and interstate drug trafficking to complex financial matters involving interstate wire transfers.  I always appreciated practicing in Federal court because of the tremendous caliber of […]

Grey Divorce, The Golden Bachelor, and the Technology Abyss 

By Woodnick Law, PLLC As a family law firm in Arizona, it sure seems like our divorce clients are getting older. Parties in their 70s (and older) are ending their marriages with what seems to be greater frequency. While senior divorces involving first and long-term marriages are still relatively rare, seniors on their second and […]

The Impact of the Department of Child Safety’s Document Failure on Parents

Originally Published on AZ Mirror on August 23, 2023 and on the Arizona Capitol Times on August 24, 2023. By Deandra Arena  On Aug. 21, a letter from the state attorney representing the Department of Child Safety (DCS) went out to all presiding judges across Arizona requesting that they “suspend any trials and severance proceedings” […]

In the News: Lack of Discovery Revealed in Thousands of DCS Cases

By Woodnick Law Originally reported by 12News on August 21, 2023. On August 21, 2023, a letter from the Division Chief Counsel representing the Department of Child Safety (DCS) went out to all Presiding Judges across the state of Arizona. The letter requested that they “suspend any trials and severance proceedings” set in the next […]