602.449.7980         office@woodnicklaw.com        1747 E Morten Ave #205 Phoenix AZ 85020

Understanding the Adult Protective Services Registry System

In Arizona, a vulnerable adult is statutorily defined through A.R.S. § 46-451(A)(10), which states that: “…an individual who is eighteen years of age or older and who is unable to protect himself from abuse, neglect or exploitation by others because of a physical or mental impairment” [1]. As should be evident from the legal definition, […]

Is Corporal Punishment Permitted in Arizona?

By Isabel Ranney and Mallory Scott  It seems that corporal punishment has fallen out of favor among parents as the preferred way to discipline children. If the stereotypical American “Simpsons” family has moved on from spanking, choking, or otherwise making physical contact with misbehaving children, then shouldn’t millennial parents who also grew up watching the […]

The Impact of the Department of Child Safety’s Document Failure on Parents

Originally Published on AZ Mirror on August 23, 2023 and on the Arizona Capitol Times on August 24, 2023. By Deandra Arena  On Aug. 21, a letter from the state attorney representing the Department of Child Safety (DCS) went out to all presiding judges across Arizona requesting that they “suspend any trials and severance proceedings” […]

In the News: Lack of Discovery Revealed in Thousands of DCS Cases

By Woodnick Law Originally reported by 12News on August 21, 2023. On August 21, 2023, a letter from the Division Chief Counsel representing the Department of Child Safety (DCS) went out to all Presiding Judges across the state of Arizona. The letter requested that they “suspend any trials and severance proceedings” set in the next […]

To Appeal or Not to Appeal

By: Markus Risinger This article was initially published July 14, 2020.  Advising a client after a trial ruling can feel like trying to close a barn door after the horse has bolted. Clients frequently come to me disappointed with a court ruling and wanting to know how they can get their case revisited by a […]

An Abuse Allegation Against You Has Been “Substantiated”: Now What?

By Gregg Woodnick and Isabel Ranney A DCS Investigation Crystal is the mother of three-month-old Michael and six-year-old Grace. A few months ago, she was the subject of a Department of Child Safety (DCS) investigation when Michael fractured his leg after a fall in the park. The attending physician at Phoenix Children’s Hospital believed the […]